Carolina Corvettes Club Inc.

December 2012 Meeting Minutes


Carolina Corvette Club, Inc
Minutes of December 11, 2012 Meeting

Meeting was held at J Peters Bar and Grill on Market Point Drive.   Following dinner, Blair Collins, President, called the meeting to order.

The minutes of the November 13, 2012 meeting were read and approved.   

Visitors Hector Martiney, Linda and Jim Evans and Gary and Marty Boneburger were recognized.
Greg Kyzer gave the Governor’s report.   The competition season is over.
Debbie Haskell gave the treasurer’s report.  There is $xxxx.35 in checking and $xxxx.91 in savings.   The club autocross grossed $1966 and expenses were $1236.72.  The net was $729.28 of which $245 will be sent to the Carolina Region.   The donation has not yet been made to Wounded Warriors.  A motion was made that the donation to the Wounded Warriors be made to the local chapter.  A vote was taken and the motion passed.      A discussion was held about other charity donations

The December 10th trip to the Newberry Opera House was discussed.  
Upcoming club events were discussed.    Scott and Wendy will host the Christmas Party on Saturday Dec 15th.    The January event will be bowling at Golden Lanes in Simpsonville on January 19th at 7:00 PM. 

The club will be displaying cars at the SC International Auto Show on January 11th to 13th.   

The club Banquet was discussed.

The 2014 Caravan to the Corvette Museum was discussed.  It will be the last week in August.  Dave Urke will be at the February meeting to provide details. 
Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Scott Griffin


Dec 11 Meeting Recap E-mail from Blair

From: [] On Behalf Of Blair Collins
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 10:25 PM
Subject: [Carolina Corvettes ] Meeting Recap

Hi Everyone,

Here is the quick recap for the December meeting:

1.  Caravan 2014 guest speaker will be at the February meeting to give us more information on that.

2.  Holiday Party at the Griffins is this Saturday 12/15.  You can show up any time after 6pm.  It's BYOB and each person should bring a wrapped gift of $20 or less rob your neighbor gift exchange.  Also bring an appetizer, side dish, or dessert and let Scott and Wendy know what you plan to bring so they can attempt to eliminate duplicates and such.  I believe their address is on the website somewhere if you don't have it already.

3.  January event is bowling at Golden Lanes in Simpsonville on 1/19 at 7pm.  Google tells me the address is: 
108 Balcome Boulevard, Simpsonville, SC 29681

4.  We will be participating in the SC Auto Show again as it looks like we have at least 7 cars already.  We'd love to get even more if people are up for placing their cars in the show over the weekend.  The requirements as I remember them are that the car must have less then a quarter of a tank of gas (venue insurance contract reasons), and you have to drop it off there on Wednesday evening (1/9) and pick up as soon as the show ends at 6pm on Sunday (1/13).  We will also need people to work the booth whether you're showing a car or not and I normally break that down into 4 hour shifts and it would be ideal to have at least two people on each shift. I'll send another email some time with more information and a sign up sheet for covering shifts.  If you'd like to show your car then go ahead and respond and let me know so I can get a car count for that in the mean time.

That covers all the big up coming stuff.  Thanks and look forward to seeing everyone this Saturday.
