Carolina Corvettes Club Inc.

November 8, 2011 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was held at J Peters Bar and Grill on Market Point Drive.

Following dinner, Mike Hovan, Vice-President, called the meeting to order.

The minutes of the October 11, 2011 meeting were read and approved.   

Greg Kyzer gave the Governor’s report.    There are no scheduled events in the Carolina region.  Our club Autocross held on the 22 and 23rd of October in Shelby was discussed.   There will be Southeast regional events at Robling Road over Thanksgiving weekend and December 3rd and 4th in Huntsville.     

The treasurer’s report was given by Debbie Haskell.   There is $xxxx.77 in checking and $xxxx.27 in savings.

The Halloween party at Emil’s was discussed.  There will not be a club event in November.

Officer elections were held.  All current officers were re-elected.

The club Christmas part will be held Saturday December 10th at 6:30 at Scott and Wendy Griffin’s home. 

Votes were taken on the Jack Lowery award. 

The club event for January will be bowling.  The date will be announced later.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Scott Griffin