Carolina Corvettes Club Inc.
February 8th 2011 Meeting Minutes
- Meeting was held at Travinia’s on Woodruff Road. Following dinner, Blair Collins, President, called the meeting to order.
- The minutes of the December 14, 2010 meeting were read and accepted. No meeting was held in January 2011 Blair read the emailed summary of activity in January.
- Greg Kyzer gave the Governor’s report. The regional banquet has been cancelled. Regional awards will be mailed to the recipients. The national Governor’s meeting will be held February 25 -27th. There is still some talk about re-aligning regions.
For 2010, our club was first in the Carolina region. Events are scheduled for April 2 and 3rd in Sanford NC and April 16 and 17th in Nashville.
- No treasurer’s report was given.
- The Christmas party at Terry and Diane’s was discussed.
- The January 22 bowling event was discussed.
- Our club did not participate in the auto show.
- The club banquet will be held at Travinia’s on Saturday February 26th. Meet in the bar at 6:00 and dinner will be at 7:00. Event will be free for members and $25 for guests. Send Vern pictures for a slide show presentation.
- The issue of officers missing meetings was brought up.
- A March event is tentatively scheduled for Blair’s house on March 19.
- A trip to Cherokee Harrah’s is planned for April 30th.
- Meeting was adjourned.
- Respectfully submitted,
- Scott Griffin
- 2/15/2011