Carolina Corvettes Club Inc.

December 2009 Meeting Minutes


Carolina Corvette Club, Inc
Minutes of December 8, 2009 Meeting

Meeting was held at Travinia’s on Woodruff Road.  Following dinner, Terry Merritt, President, called the meeting to order.

The minutes of the November 10, 2009 meeting were read and accepted.

Greg Kyzer gave the Governor’s report.  There are no more Carolina Region events for 2009.  Greg gave a report on the November 21 Governor’s meeting.  The regional banquet will be April 17 in Boiling Springs, NC.  There is a $150 per trip reimbursement for trips to national meetings. 

No treasurer’s report was given.

In was announced that Johnny and Debbie Haskell are both 2009 national champions.
Terry and Diane will host the Christmas Party at 6:30 on December 19.  Everyone should bring drinks, a dish to share and a gift for rob your neighbor.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Scott Griffin